Members of the Texas Mutual oil and gas safety roundtable offer these free training resources to help employers keep their employees safe on the job.

For updates and more training materials, visit Texas Mutual’s website.

  • Managing Traffic Flow Around Drilling Sites

    The “Dos” and “Don’ts” for managing traffic flow in the oilfield.

  • Safe Driving Practices for Oilfield Vehicles

    The “Dos” and “Don’ts” for safely driving vehicles in the oilfield.

  • Driver Fatigue Prevention Strategies

    The “Dos” and “Don’ts” for preventing fatigue when driving or working in an oilfield.

  • Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Guidelines

    The “Dos” and “Don’ts” to help ensure the safety and reliability of equipment, reducing the risk of
    accidents and downtime.

  • Short-Service Employee Program

    This short-service employee program is brought to you by the Texas Oil and Gas Association and the Texas Oil and Gas Safety Roundtable.